We officially began spring on March 20, which means warmer weather is around the corner! It’s time to open the blinds, clear out the winter wardrobe and let the sunshine and warm temperatures in. Here are 19 tips to help you start your spring cleaning:
1. Get prepared for a week of cleaning. Stock up on trash bags, paper towels, rags and cleaning products.
2. Organize your cleaning schedule. Plan your inside and outside cleaning tasks.
3. Clean all exterior surfaces. Clean all baseboards, banisters, walls, windows and mirrors.
4. Wash all linens. Strip your bedding and linen closet. Your sheets, blankets and towels will smell fresh.
5. Flip your mattress.
6. Empty all trash cans and sanitize them.
7. Clean all kitchen appliances. Clean out the fridge and freezer — if anything’s expired, has freezer burn, etc., throw it away. Clean the microwave inside out, the oven and the coffee pot. Wipe down all surface areas.
8. Clean the kitchen cabinets. Take everything out of your cabinets. Wash dishes, wipe down the inside surfaces.
9. Change all filters. If you don’t know how to change your furnace filter, or water filtration, call Shorewest Home Services to find a professional in your area.
10. Clean the bathroom. Clean toilets, sinks, medicine cabinets and showers.
11. Clean your couches. Vacuum out couches and chairs. Wash couch cushions and rugs.
12. Clean your carpets. You can do this yourself, or hire a professional through Home Services.
13. Replace smoke detector and carbon monoxide batteries. Your local fire department will remind you to change your batteries, too.
14. Bring your summer wardrobe out. Wash your winter wardrobe and put in your storage bins. Hopefully you won’t have to bring these out for a while!
15. Clean out your vacuum cleaner.
16. Reseal grout lines and recaulk your bathroom.
17. Clean the lint trap in the dryer.
18. Wash blinds.
19. Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures.
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Tags: family fun, home improvement, Housing Market, living in milwaukee, Milwaukee, milwaukee lifestyle, shorewest, Shorewest Realtors
Categories: Home Improvement
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